Do you have items that are not working / need repaired? Bring them to one of our Repair Café events to be looked at free of charge.

The types of items that we have been able to look at in the past include electrical items, tools, clothes, furniture and IT equipment. We cannot guarantee we will be able to fix everything – but we will try!

Tools For Solidarity will be at these Repair Cafés, so if you have any sewing machines or tools you can bring these along.

Our 2023 dates are:

  • Saturday 18th February 2023
  • Saturday 17th June 2023
  • Saturday 21st October 23

All events take place in Laurencetown Community Centre, 2-4pm. 

Graphic showing a pair of cogs and the words 'Repair Café'

Green-blue drawing of people from various cultures holding tools in the air, above the words 'Tools for Solidarity'


If you have a bit of time and are looking for a way to give back to the community, why not volunteer? We need extra hands to help with these Repair Cafés and with our Handyman Scheme. To find out more, call us on 028 4062 3770 or email us at

The Repair Cafés are supported by the NI Housing Executive.

Northern Ireland Housing Executive logo