This service is for anyone who lives within 5 miles of Laurencetown Community Centre. Your circumstances will dictate if you pay £5 per hour or £10. If you are an NIHE tenant you will pay £5 per hour plus materials. Non-NIHE residents will pay £10 per hour plus materials. We will provide general consumables such as nails, glue, screws etc.

The types of jobs we can do:

  • Fixing/attaching/replacing curtain poles
  • Bleeding radiators
  • Securing trailing wires and flexes
  • Adjusting table/chair legs
  • Tiles: tiling small areas of walls; re-grouting tiles
  • Fixing door handles
  • Changing, fitting and repairing of locks
  • Fitting chains, security spy-holes & key safes
  • Fitting key safes
  • Cutting down or clearing shrubs/hedge
  • Minor repairs to path to remove trip hazard
  • Small repairs to garden gates, fencing

Photo of hammer, nails, ruler, screwdriver, small paintbrush and pliers, on a white background

NIHE Maintenance staff are the first point of contact for NIHE tenants – ring 03448 920 901. If the job is not covered by the NIHE, tenants can call us on 028 4062 3770 to see if we can help.

Volunteers must be able to complete the work within 3 hours – so the jobs are small home repairs rather than large.

The types of jobs we can’t do:

  • No grass cutting as this is a regular and on-going need (will cut back a hedge only if growing over a path and causing an obstruction – purely to allow safe access or visibility)
  • No painting or decorating
  • No mains plumbing
  • No mains or electric
  • Nothing above 3 metres high
  • No chemical substances, e.g. using bleach for driveways etc
  • Must be able to complete the majority of jobs as a lone worker, e.g. unable to move large items of furniture that could take 2+ people
  • Can only power wash if it is concrete/patio slabs and an outside tap is available
  • Unable to take away items to the tip, but LLTCA can help organise a collection


If you have a bit of time and are looking for a way to give back to the community, why not volunteer? We need extra hands to help with this Handyman Scheme. The time commitment involved would be around 2-3 hours a week. We also need volunteers for our Repair CafésIf you would like to help, call us on 028 4062 3770 or email us at

Tool Library

Got a job you want to do yourself but don’t have the necessary tools? Check if you can borrow the tool you need from our Tool Library, before buying new.

Photo of two men who volunteer for the LLTCA Safe and Sound Handyman Service. Both are wearing branding clothing, blue with the LLTCA tree logo.

This scheme is supported by the NI Housing Executive.

Northern Ireland Housing Executive logo