Men’s Bowling Group (all ages)

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Event Details

This event is running from 5 February 2018 until 22 December 2025. It is next occurring on December 9, 2024 10:30 am

  • Venue: Laurencetown Community Centre
  • Categories:
  • Upcoming Dates:

Photo of a group of smiling men, standing beside bowling mats and bowls, taken in the Laurencetown Community Centre. A pop-up banner for a handman service and a large framed mosaic are behind them.

Men of any age are welcome to come along to our Laurencetown men’s bowling group, whether you’re new to bowling or are an old hand! It’s a great way to improve your health and fitness whilst catching up with friends and neighbours.

Join us on Mondays, 10:30-12noon in the Laurencetown Community Centre. Only £2, which includes tea & toast.